Learn about your Self, your energy & how to begin finding alignment in decision making.

Understanding what makes you YOU will ultimately guide you in all areas of your life.

What Is Human Design?

I like to think of it simply as your Energy Mechanics and your BodyGraph providing your Energetic Blueprint.

I also see it as the best personality assessment and the guide to deconditioning.

Human Design was created from a download received by Ra Uru Hu (Alan Krakower-died 2011) in 1987. It combines ancient & modern principles of The I Ching, Astrology, Kabbalah, Chakra system & Quantum Physics.

It is a mechanical system that describes how we were built & how to best respond to the world. It shows you where & how to access your body’s consciousness as a decision-making tool & how to live as your true self.

Each person is born with a Design that is perfect for them. We each have our own Design & purpose that we’re designed to live out, our own gifts & magic we are here to bring to the world. These unfold naturally when we’re aligned with our Design. Learn more in this Blog.

Hi! I'm Jenn…

I'm a Licensed Counselor & Vitality Coach having worked in Mental Health for 10 years as an Art Therapist. I'm a 3/5 Emotional Projector & discovered Human Design when I was living a life of burnout.

Human Design found me four years ago when I needed it most. Learning that I was a Projector alone was life changing, to be given permission to be me and break my patterns of conditioning. I have not stopped learning & discovering all that it holds.

I lead individuals to break patterns, decondition & stand in their power for improved boundaries & relationships.

I work to understand, guide, and support you on your journey to balance and wellness by using my extensive training in the mental health field and knowledge of holistic modalities.

counselor, art therapist, projector, human design, relationship, support, understand, holistic

Human Design gives us permission to be who we were created to be.


Create blissful relationships and inner peace

by stepping into your power and cultivating understanding

This 4 Month Membership Includes a Human Design Reading, Access to Workshops & so much more!


“I love how you broke down the main aspects of Human Design down and went into a little bit of detail as a group and individually on certain parts of our body graphs.”

— Jill

“Number one: Jenn is amazing.  She’s the type of person who makes you feel instantly comfortable; and as we chatted I found myself pouring out my soul to her (which is rare for me)! As we went through my husband’s and my HD charts, so many things clicked.  I felt like I was finally given permission to be myself and it even validated the strong connection I always knew I had in my marriage.  I left feeling more confident in myself and even closer to my husband.  I HIGHLY recommend Jenn if you’re seeing guidance in your marriage, business, or in life in general.  She’s the best!”


 Here’s how it works…

Find the Human Design offer that is call ing to you and schedule

See below for more info or choose HERE

Get your free Human Design chart

You may want to look into your Design for yourself!

Receive your Personalized Session

Whether you decide on a Human Design Reading or Coaching Session, you won’t regret it

Leave Feeling Empowered

Human Design Offers


Human Design Readings

Human Design Mini Reading:

△ Meet 1:1, to look at your Chart, Type, Centers & other key properties.

△ You’ll receive the recording.

△ Investment: $99 (30 minutes)

Human Design Energetic Assessment

△ Meet virtually 1:1 to work together to deep dive into your unique Design!

△ We’ll look closely at your Type, Authority, Strategy, Centers, Gates & Channels.

△ We'll evaluate where on each energetic spectrum you are.

△ This can benefit you in all areas of your life including self-development, relationships, career and so much more!

△ You’ll receive the recording & a PDF reference guide.

△ Investment: $300 (90 minutes)

Human Design Compatibility Reading

△ In this virtual 90 minutes, we’ll look at 2 charts side by side; Partners, family member, business partners, friends, etc.

△ We’ll take a deep look at strengths, challenges & where that ‘spark’ is created.

△ You’ll gain a better understanding of the individuals together & how you can co-create magic!

△ Investment: $375 (90 minutes)

Human Design Workshops

Human Design Workshop

△ Learn about your unique Human Design & uncover your True Self.

△ Learn the 5 Energy Types, their Authority, Self & Not-Self Themes & Strategy.

△ Learn about your Self, your energy & how to begin finding alignment in decision making.

△ Investment: $55 (60 min Recording - Contact to host Live)

Relationships through Human Design (Compatibility Workshop)

△ Learn about Interpersonal Energy Dynamics:

  • How energy is shared between centers

  • Connections through gates & channels

  • The role Profile plays in compatibility

  • How to create a composite chart to take a deeper look at compatibility.

△ Learn more about your Self, your energy, along with the energy of the Other.

△ Investment: $75 (60 min Recording - Contact to host Live)

InHer Work Intensive

△ In this virtual self study of the 9 Energy Centers, learn how your energy functions & flows.

△ We’ll take a deep look at each Center (defined & undefined) along with its Gates for a deeper understanding.

△ Apply this energy to Others.

△ Workshop includes 4 - 30min 1:1 virtual sessions to answer questions & allow for integration.

△ Investment: $777

Interested in offering a Workshop to your community, group or business?

Check out ways to consult and collaborate here or Let’s Connect!


 If you’ve made it this far…

Schedule your Human Design experience now!

Let Me Share Mike’s Story With You…

Mike was introduced to Human Design in our individual sessions together.

He learned that he was a Generator with an undefined throat. He resonated deeply with listening to his gut & having trouble expressing himself, sometimes rambling on.

As well began looking deeping into his chart & applying it to our goals, the pieces began falling into place.

With a focus on Human Design, we utilized his 2/5 profile to understand what he was consciously aware of & parts of him that were unconscious to him, but others could see.

Through understanding his unconscious 5 line, he was able to make a breakthrough around unhealthy relationships he remained in longer than was beneficial to either person. His 5 line of the ‘Heretic’ drew him to save others (something he was not consciously aware of yet.

He was able to process this new information and shift how he viewed relationships to focus his energy on those who could equally benefit his life & not leave him frustrated & burned out.

Human Design Offers

Find your Divine Vitality & Become who you were created to be

An in-depth, guided tour to get to know the unique qualities and attributes that make up your individual Human Design profile.”

— Dana

You can’t set a price to knowing your Human Design. If you've ever felt lost in life, this will remind you of the strategies that you either already know, or Jenn will help you discover, to work through finding your path to realignment.


Do you need an intro first?


Discovery Calls

Want to connect & see which offer is best for you? On this free, 30 minute call, we’ll get to know each other & see which offer best suits where you are at now.


“I love your HD course. Jaw-dropping and resonated deeply.”

— Amanda