Helping You Step into Your power

to live a life of alignment

10+ years of experience in the mental health field

 Hi! I'm Jenn!

I am a Human Design Coach, Boundaries Queen and 3/5 Emotional Projector who leads individuals to decondition and break patterns in order to stand in their power for improved communication and relationships. I am also a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor & Art Therapist utilizing these skills for 10-plus years.

I work to understand, guide, and support you on your journey to balance and wellness by using​ my extensive training in the mental health field and knowledge of holistic modalities, including Human Design & essential oils.

Whether you struggle in friendships, work relationships, family relationships or partnerships, I can help you grow and heal.  I work with open-minded individuals who are committed to embracing support and changing their lifestyle naturally.  With a focus on emotions, boundaries, and communicating effectively, you will be able to acknowledge what helped you get to this point and know what skills you need to continue your best aligned life.

coaching, art therapist, women, emotions, human design, relationships

Get Started


Work 1:1 to reach your personal goals to increase your awareness, alignment and step into your unique power.


Collaborating can benefit you, your business and your clients. Find out the many ways to utilize my wisdom and expertise to bring more results to your team and clients.

Self-Care Checklist

Check in on how well you’re caring for yourself.

Sign up for our Newsletter to get yours FREE!

Emotional Regulation

Learn how to stay calm and communicate effectively with this Guide.

You will learn the key areas to help you manage your emotions so that you can respond more and react less.

Human Design

Learn about your personality, energy and how to begin finding alignment in decision making.


Spend four weeks deep diving into your unique Design with weekly support to decondition and find alignment.

Who Do I Help?

My big picture dream is to empower you with knowledge & Awareness to take aligned action for healthier Life relationships

 I work with people who are ready to manage their responses, communicate more effectively, and have healthy boundaries and relationships.

If you are ready to take action to progress in your life journey, and you are prepared to invite support to lead you in how to best use your energy…

Then I'm the coach for YOU!

I’m ready to help you increase your awareness and set healthy boundaries.

I love being able to provide you tools to better understand and take control of your mental and emotional wellness with intention to step into your power!

“I wanted to find out more about my life purpose and learn more about how to become more in the present through knowing my human design”

- Stephen

My Story

 I envision a world where everyone lives life as their True Self. I believe in living as naturally and purely as possible in all aspects of life; understanding our energy, deconditioning from years of family & societal impact to find alignment.

Using​ my background in mental health, art therapy, essential oils & Human Design, I work to understand, guide, and support people on their journey to balance and wellness. If you are struggling emotionally, I can help you grow and heal.

I found Human Design four years ago when I was burning out. More people were needing more help during the pandemic and I was trying to function as a Generator. Uncovering my unique Design led me to give myself permission to be ME. To be the Projector I am, to not try to PROVE anything to anyone, especially society.

Human Design brought me a new modality to use with my clients. The understanding to allowed for each of them as well as myself in understanding their unique needs, led them to meet their treatment goals in NO TIME!

That’s when I decided it was time to stop playing small and shift into coaching to help more people across the world by being the Guide and Seer that I am.

I work with business owning individuals who are committed to embracing support and changing their life.

You will be able to see all you have learned, acknowledge what helped you get to this point, and know what skills you need to continue your best life.

What People Are Saying


“I loved how friendly & approachable you are when we first met - you instantly felt like someone I could talk to easily.  I thought it was very cool and unique approach to therapy (art therapy).  I also love that you are very well versed/knowledgeable with EO and can recommend ones that will complement my healing/well-being.”

— R.

It has been fun to learn more about myself and identify certain areas of self-improvement but also honor who I am and what I can bring to the table in any environment.

— Jill

You were absolutely amazing and patient at guiding me to support my needs! It would have been sooo confusing without you that I prob would have given up so thank youuuuuu!!!!!

— Lisa


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