Join this 4-Week Self-Study with 1:1 support in understanding your unique Design

How can you better honor the parts of you that make you YOU?

There's no time like the present.

You are ready to experiment with your design and take the guess-work out of life & live as your true self.

The InHer Work Intensive is a safe, learning container that you do NOT want to miss.

When you commit to 4 weeks of us working together, looking at & experimenting with your energy, I guarantee you are going to feel absolutely amazing one year from now.

inher work intensive, course, program, step into your unique power, human design, self study, decondition, align

Introducing The InHer Work Intensive:

Self-Study & 1:1 Experience to Step Into your power

& live your design


“I felt like I was finally given permission to be myself & it even validated the strong connection I always knew I had in my marriage. I HIGHLY recommend Jenn if you’re seeing guidance in your marriage, business, or in life in general. She’s the best!”

— Mallory

“I particularly loved your angle/viewpoint that everyone's chart is valid & valuable <3”

— K

InHer Work Intensive is a container unlike any other! 

This 4-week experience is an integration of Human Design, coaching and support.

Through our work together, you’ll be able to: 

  • Better understand your Unique Design.

  • Experiment in finding alignment

  • Confidently make decisions

  • Manage your energy

  • Decondition

  • Honor your unique self

container, course, human design, 4 week, deconditioning, alignment, unique, decision making, support

When you are introduced to your unique Design,

you begin to see yourself in a new light.

Say hello to Alignment! 

 Here’s how it works…

Click the Button & Purchase the Course

Welcome to InHer Work Intensive!

Make space in your calendar for two hours a week of self-study recordings & schedule your 4 - 1:1 Sessions

Each Week

Learn about 2 Energy Center & its Gates to better understand your Design.

This Self-Study course is meant to be completed in 4 weeks; Each week includes a recorded workshop & a 30min 1:1 call with Jenn to ask questions & allow for integration.

Allow for Integration

Leave each session feeling empowered to grow your awareness as you begin integrating your new knowledge into life & experiment with your Design.

Your Investment

-  $777 - 4-week Container ($1200 Value)

-  Includes Self-Study videos on each Human Design Center

and Weekly 1:1 (30 minute) Sessions with Jenn

-  Additional personalized resources

 Hi, I’m Jenn!

I help individuals embody their Design to stand in their power for improved communication, relationships and a life of alignment.

It is my passion to help each person rediscover their divine vitality & live an aligned life through Human Design.

Through studying psychology, counseling & art therapy, and working 10 years as a Mental Health Professional, I wanted to expand outside the lines of therapeutic treatment to help more people. 

As a 3/5 Emotional Projector, I’ve always felt passionate about helping others. It lights a fire underneath me to see you transform into someone who feels confident in your relationship with yourself, and others!

This is a lifelong journey. I lead you through understand your Design as I have done for myself & others over the past 2 years.

Taking a deep look to understand who you were designed to be and your purpose here on Earth is my goal.

I use my expertise in mental health & critical thinking to SEE what you need to feel successful, satisfied, less stressed & confident.

human design, relationships, communication, boundaries, psychology, counseling, art therapy, coaching, projector, support

 Is InHer Work Intensive for you?


I don't use cooker-cutter approaches in helping you fully step into alignment through your unique Human Design.

During our time together, I apply my extensive knowledge in a uniquely catered way to you.

I firmly believe the same methods don't work across the board.

You are ONE OF A KIND!

Human Design allows me to see who you are. To honor you & the way your unique energy works. Without judgement.

You want to transform.

You are ready to step into the person you're meant to be, letting go of conditioning, lower vibrations & things that are just plain out of alignment.

The InHer Work Intensive is a safe, learning container that you do NOT want to miss.

When you commit to 4 weeks of us working together, looking at & experimenting with your energy, I guarantee you are going to feel absolutely amazing one year from now.


 If you’ve made it this far…

Are you ready to invest in creating an aligned life?


+ How long of a commitment do I need to make?

4 Weeks going at your own pace, making time to watch weekly ~60min Sessions & scheduling your four weekly 30min 1:1 sessions.

+ How Much is my investment?

This 4 week container is an investment of $777 in yourself. This is a $1200 value! Payment Plans are an option.

+ How often do we get to Meet?

Each week, you’ll watch prerecorded videos and meet live for 30 minutes on a one-on-one call.

+ How can you help me?

I will help you understand your Human Design & what it means for YOU. Who you are and also who you are NOT.

I’ll help you identify your gifts, magic, conditioning, areas to decondition, energy management & so much more!

+ What is included in this Intensive?

  • 4 - ~60minute recorded calls each week

  • 4 - 30 minute calls each week

  • PDF Guide of your unique Design

  • Additional Resources

Introducing the InHer Work Intensive:

1:1 Experience to Step Into your power

& live your design

“You have been an amazing part of my growth & I’m unbelievably fortunate to be able to work with you. THANK YOU!”

— Kori

Do you need an intro first?

connect, discovery call, free, right option, counseling, coaching, face to face, 1:1, virtual, in person

 Free Discovery Calls

Unsure if this Intensive is for you? Let’s chat face to face to see if this is the right option for you.